Benefits of Tentex Forte:
- Low libido: Androgenic and aphrodisiac properties of this medicine help improve libido and erectile tissue functions.
- Weakness: Its Natural ingredients help increase strength and stamina, leading to improved and longer lasting performance.
- Erectile Dysfunction: Tribulus Terrestris in Tentex Forte dilates the arteries and improves blood circulation, helping to sustain erections longer due to Protodioscin.
- Oligospermia: This medicine increases testosterone levels and helps counter oligospermia caused due to low testosterone levels.
- Emotion Stress & Anxiety: Ingredients like Ashwagandha and white cherry help rejuvenate the body and mind and provide relief from stress and anxiety; thereby improving desire, libido, and performance.
- Early Discharge - Consuming Tentex Forte may help improve the overall sexual performance by increasing the orgasmic response.
- Fertility Rate – Makardhwaj present in Tentex Forte has natural properties that help improve the overall strength and fertility rate in males.