- ubricant with silicone-based formula
- Perfect glide lube is both odourless and tasteless
- Nourishes the skin to increase sensuality and pleasure
- Suitable to use with all latex condoms
- Unisex Product
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What Is Durex Anal Lube?
- lubricant with silicone-based formula
- Perfect glide lube is both odourless and tasteless
- Nourishes the skin to increase sensuality and pleasure
- Suitable to use with all latex condoms
- Unisex Product
An anal lubricant is designed specifically for anal sex. These formulas are typically more durable, slippery, and long lasting than standard products. Some specialized formulas also include a muscle relaxant or mild numbing agent.
What’s The Best Anal Lube?
Pjur Analyse Me is the best anal lube you can buy. Its unique formula is designed specifically for anal sex and has been my personal favorite and a reader top choice for years. Despite having tested countless brands, I keep coming back.
Because the rectum isn’t self-lubricating, having a decent anal lubricant close to hand is vitally important before anal sex. Not only does it help to prevent any damage to the delicate tissues, but because it also helps to make things a lot more comfortable. Anal lube differs from a bog-standard lubricant because it is thicker, slicker and offers a cushioning effect, this helps to prevent discomfort during penetration.
Therefore, finding an anal lubricant which suits you can be a little bit tricky. There are lots of lubes on the market but not all of them deliver on what they promise. So which anal lubes are the best? My anal lube reviews separate the wheat from the chaff so that you don’t have to waste time shopping around or trying sub-standard products.
Analyse Me’s included an anal relaxant makes anal sex more comfortable and pain-free, especially for people who have had problems with pain or discomfort in the past. For most people, Analyse Me! Silicone is the best option as a well balanced, great feeling anal lube that is not over powering.